Current guidelines for disease progression monitoring and other resources.
Current guidelines for disease progression monitoring
Recommended assessments and schedule for monitoring organ involvement in adult patients with Fabry disease:1
Complete history and physical examination including family history and evaluation of quality of life, gastrointestinal symptoms, work/study performance, level of depression/anxiety
Monitoring schedule: Every clinic visit
α-Gal A enzyme activity and GLA mutation analysis.
Monitoring schedule: If not previously determined
Renal Glomerular filtration rate (measured GFR [preferred] or estimated [eGFR] using appropriate formulae)
Monitoring schedule: Annually if low risk, every 6 months if moderate risk, and every 3 months if high to very high risk; a measured GFR only once yearly because of complexity
Albuminuria (preferred, more sensitive) and/or proteinuria (24-h or spot urine for total protein/creatinine and albumin/creatinine ratios)
Monitoring schedule: Annually if low risk, every 6 months if moderate risk, and every 3 months if high to very high risk
25 OH vitamin D
Monitoring schedule: As clinically indicated; vitamin D levels in late fall/early winter
Kidney biopsy
Monitoring schedule: As clinically indicated. Podocyte foot process effacement may precede pathological albuminuria
Blood pressure and cardiac rhythm
Monitoring schedule: Every clinic visit
ECG and echocardiography
Monitoring schedule: Annually, and as clinically indicated
48-h Holter monitoring to detect intermittent rhythm abnormalities; implantable loop recorder recommended for patients with significant hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Monitoring schedule: Annually, but may be assessed more or less frequently depending on age and other risk factors; if arrhythmias detected, more frequent/detailed rhythm surveillance should be instituted (schedule determined individually)
Cardiac MRI with gadolinium
Monitoring schedule: If available, whenever there is evidence of clinical progression of disease or regularly at an interval > 2 years
Cardiac MRI with T1 mapping
Monitoring schedule: Investigational tool, should be interpreted with caution
Brain natriuretic peptide
Monitoring schedule: At least annually for patients with cardiomyopathy or bradycardia
Brain MRI (TOF MRA at first assessment in male patients aged over 21 and female patients over 30, then according to the clinical picture)
Monitoring schedule: Every 3 years and when clinically needed (e.g., presence of neurological changes that could potentially relate to stroke)
CT imaging
Monitoring schedule: In case of acute stroke and only if MRI is contraindicated due to cardiac pacing
Peripheral nervous system
Pain evaluation and history: pain measurement scale such as the Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory or Brief Pain Inventory
Monitoring schedule: Annually
Cold and heat intolerance, vibratory thresholds (quantitative sensory testing, if available)
Monitoring schedule: Annually (less frequently in older patients)
Autonomic symptom evaluation by orthostatic blood pressure
Monitoring schedule: Annually
Skin biopsy (for IENFD assessment, if available)
Monitoring schedule: Consider
Monitoring schedule: As required
Spirometry, including response to bronchodilators, treadmill exercise testing, oximetry, chest X-ray
Monitoring schedule: Every 2 years or more frequently for clinical indications; chest X-ray according to clinical indications
Referral to gastroenterology specialist for endoscopic or radiographic evaluation
Monitoring schedule: If symptoms persist or worsen despite treatment
Overall glycolipid burden
Plasma and urinary sediment lyso-GL-3, GL-3
Monitoring schedule: At baseline and then annually (at the moment, this is for research purposes only); biobanking of plasma/serum samples recommended if feasible
Bone dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)
Monitoring schedule: Consider
Ophthalmological screening
Monitoring schedule: Ophthalmological screening as clinically indicated
Baseline values should always be obtained; longer intervals between more complex organ assessments can be considered in asymptomatic female patients with a normal initial evaluation and/or favorable X chromosome inactivation pattern.
CKD, chronic kidney disease; CT, computed tomography; ECG, electrocardiography; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ENT, ear, nose, and throat; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; IENFD, intra-epidermal nerve fiber density; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; TOF MRA, time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography (head and neck).
A risk levels based on KDIGO 2012 chronic kidney disease classification scheme.
Low risk, CKD Stage G1/2 A1; moderate risk, CKD stage G3a A1, G1/2 A2; high to very high risk CKDStage G4 or 5, G3b A1, G3 A3.
Patient experience
Fabry disease has a profound emotional and physical impact on affected individuals and their families.1 Disease manifestations in patients with the same gene mutation, even males from the same family, may vary, making counselling difficult.1
Recent publications
This list contains a selection of recent publications on Fabry disease, not an exhaustive list.
Ortiz A, et al. Fabry disease revisited: management and treatment recommendations for adult patients.
Molecular genetics and metabolism. 2018;123(4):416-427.
Germain DP, et al. Consensus recommendations for diagnosis, management and treatment of Fabry disease in paediatric patients.
Clinical genetics. 2019;96(2):107-117.
Wanner C, et al. European expert consensus statement on therapeutic goals in Fabry disease.
Molecular genetics and metabolism. 2018;124(3):189-203.
Moreno-Martinez D, et al. Standardising clinical outcomes measures for adult clinical trials in Fabry disease: A global Delphi consensus.
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 2021;132(4):234-243.
Upcoming events
Finnish National Fabry Nurse Training
Nordic Nephrology Meeting
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please do not hesitate to get in touch at
1. Ortiz A, et al. Mol Genet Metab. 2018;123(4):416-427.